I would like to share with you some of my favorite educational sites and online games that I share with students and parents.
Fizzlebot – This is a physics engine game that forces critical thinking. The object is to get the ball to roll across the flag using shapes/objects you create with your pen. WARNING: VERY ADDICTING
Japanese IQ Game – This is an actual question that is used in Japan when hiring computer programmers. The goal is to figure this out in under 15 minutes. (Once you’ve done this, you cannot do it again. You figure too many things out along the way and you cheat with your time!)
CNN – I go to this website daily to read about national and world current events. I feel this keeps me in the loop and updated about important things going on around the world. I want my students to feel the same way I do; just because you cannot see or hear what happens doesn’t mean it cannot affect you (if the least, it can change your perception and views)
National Geographic for Kids – This website is great for elementary and middle school students who want to have fun while exploring! It has fun games and articles that give you information about different species, countries, culture, etc.
Kids Know It – This website is full of fun games and lessons in every subject (broad or specific). It’s a great chance to have fun while drilling basic facts or learning something new.
Finding Dulcinea – This website is the “librarian of the internet”. Quick Search to find information on many topics
Teaching History – TeachingHistory.org has great teaching tools and multimedia to use alongside lessons in the classroom
Facing History – FacingHistory.org is a great website that teaches students about intolerances, prejudice and racism throughout our history