When I went back to school to obtain a Master’s Degree in Educational Technologies, I enrolled for selfish reasons. I told myself it would be good to continue my own education so I wouldn’t fall behind while substitute teaching. After just a few weeks I realized that I wanted to go to school for more than just myself, this was important to the future of our students and education system. As we jump into this ever expanding technology field we are faced with many challenges. At first, I found it a struggle to be excited about something many teachers try to escape from. Because computers and technology are entirely new and foreign to most educators, I feel that it is imperative to educate the educators before our schools move forward. This is easier said than done; many educators feel that if their practice isn’t broken, they shouldn’t have to fix it. But there is a problem with this thought. There is one thing that is constant, and that is change. If the world is perpetually evolving, I feel we need to forever change what we do, inviting new ideas into our classroom to keep up with the world. Our job is not about us, it is about our students. We need to prepare these children for their own future; to send them out into a world they are not familiar with is contrary to what we are trying to accomplish. If we are not accepting of the new technologies that are coming our way, we are denying these privileges and opportunities for our children.
Here are a few examples of the latest tools that I have learned to use in the classroom:
Prezi – I believe Prezi is the cadillac of Power Points. Why make a power point when you can present the experience of a Prezi? My students had to create their own Prezi about themselves. I made a Prezi about my children as an example.
Glogster – I created this Glogster for a history lesson on the Great Pyramids. This is one example of how computer technology can turn mundane assignments about theories and readings into creative posters and artwork!
Wikispace Website – On this Wikispace, you will be able to find some lessons that I have created along with my favorite educational websites and games for students.
Audacity and the Ipod Touch – This is a lesson that I created for 3rd graders who were teaching important lessons to their “buddies” in 1st grade. This particular lesson involved fire safety.
WebQuests – This Presidential WebQuest is designed for 6th-8th grade students. Their goal is to decide who, among our nation’s greatest presidents, are important enough to “save” during a White House renovation.
Coenen Master’s Portfolio – This link is a Wikispace that I created specifically to show examples of my work throughout my Master’s Program at Marian University. I provide evidence of knowledge and experience in each of the 10 State Teaching Standards.
In our capstone course, we needed to develop an Action Research Project that answered a personal question about technology in the classroom today. Even though I know technology is imperative in our schools, I felt that some technologies were replacing teachers in a negative way. Although there were arguments against this belief, I felt that teachers could never be fully replaced by a computer, because teacher and student interaction and personal relationships among peers are invaluable. My question was “Can Online Instruction truly Replace Face to Face Education?”
My Action Research took place from October,2010 to January,2011 at Hortonville Middle School. I concluded that students in a 7th grade classroom still need the interaction and guidance of a teacher … to be cont.
Action Research Final Report – This is the final report from my Action Research Project.