Mrs. Coenen

"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn."

Jeopardy Review







$100 $100


























$100 – Canada claims territory all the way up to the __ (North Pole)

$200 – What is Canada’s most important manufacturing industry? (paper, pulp)

$300 – The most important fish in Canada are__ (Salmon and Herring)

$400 – Canada has the largest deposits of __ (asbestos)

$500 – What is Canada considered a strategic location? (Europe, Asia)



$100 – A marine climate is affected by the ocean, name two ways it is affected (wet, w)

$200 – Coniferous forests are found in what kind of climate? (cold continental climate)

$300 – The area around Lake Ontario and Lake Erie has a __ climate(W. Continental)

$400 – Name two maritime provinces __ (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Price Edward Island, New Foundland)

$500 – The main product of farms in the Prairie Provinces is what? (Wheat)



$100 – The line beyond which trees cannot grow is the __ (tree line)

$200 – A farm that grows a variety of crops is a what? (mixed farm)

$300 – The paper used for papers is called __ (newsprint)

$400 – What is a boom? __ (group of logs with outer logs chained together)

$500 – A narrow way through a mountain is called a __ (pass)



$100 – What is La Grande Complex? (largest hydro plant in N.A.)

$200 – Why was the Welland Ship Canal built?

$300 – What was a result of the glaciers moving through the Canadian Shield? (rocks r)

$400 – Compared to the west coast mtns., the east coast mtns. are much lower or newer?

$500 – Why are Canada’s Arctic ports gaining importance? (Mineral deposits)



$100 – Why is the St. Lawrence Waterway important? (Commerce – Great Lakes)

$200 – Tar sands have a potential resource of what? (oil)

$300 – Canada receives most of its energy from what kind of power? (Hydro)

$400 – What province is called the workshop of the nation? (Ontario)

$500 – Compare an inshore fishery to an offshore fishery (LITTLE vs. BIG)


Final Question

Name all five climates found in Canada (Marine, Far North, Cold, Wet, Dry)

This was a fun review for my 6th graders!  My Jeopardy questions were rooted from Chapter 20 in the Social Studies book, “The World Around Us”.

I split my class of 25 into 5 groups of 5 students.  Each group had 30 seconds to select an appropriate team name.  If there was no decision when I asked for a name from a group, I would choose one for them, no exceptions. (There was more cooperation, less arguing)  Each team chose a spokesperson for the group.  They could discuss answers among themselves, but only the spokesperson could give the answer aloud for the class to hear. (This prevented a lot of shouting out answers)

Every team had an opportunity to select a category and number.  If a team got an answer wrong, the first hand I would see would be get an opportunity to answer correctly.  Whoever would answer correctly would get the points (no deductions for wrong answers).  At the end of the round, every team put their heads together to decide how much money they were going to bid on the final question.  Once I received every team’s bid, I asked the final question.  The answers were written down so there would be no cheating.  After the answer was revealed, points were tallied and the winning team received class tokens.